Results for ' De Graff'

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  1. Descriptions as predicates.Delia Graff Fara - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 102 (1):1-42.
    Although Strawson’s main aim in “On Referring” was to argue that definite descriptions can be used referentially – that is, “to mention or refer to some individual person or single object . . . , in the course of doing what we should normally describe as making a statement about that person [or] object” (1950, p. 320) – he denied that definite descriptions are always used referentially. The description in ‘Napoleon was the greatest French soldier’ is not used referentially, says (...)
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    Separation of Church and State: Dina de-Malkhuta Dina in Jewish Law.Gil Graff - 2003 - University Alabama Press.
    Graff observes that the significance of dina de-malkhuta dina and its interpretation ids vital for an understanding of modern Jewish life as well as the relationship of Diaspora Jews to the Jewish community in the state of Israel.
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    De la naturaleza de las cosas de Lezra.Erin Graff Zivin - 2022 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 25 (1):3-9.
    Este ensayo busca trazar una genealogía defectuosa de varias escenas de lectura en la obra de Jacques Lezra. Se enfoca en la lectura como práctica metodológica salvaje que conjuga —de manera inesperada, contraintuitiva, e indisciplinada— objetos, discursos, y modalidades conceptuales. Se analiza una selección de escenas de lectura de Materialismo salvaje y República salvaje para identificar en ellas un pensamiento estético-político que imagina corrientes subterráneas y deconstruye conceptos como soberanía, institución, y normatividad, enfatizando su carácter defectuoso.
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  4. Relative-sameness counterpart theory.Delia Graff Fara - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):167-189.
    Here I propose a coherent way of preserving the identity of material objects with the matter that constitutes them. The presentation is formal, and intended for RSL. An informal presentation is in preliminary draft! -/- Relative-sameness relations—such as being the same person as—are like David Lewis's "counterpart" relations in the following respects: (i) they may hold between objects that aren't identical (I propose), and (ii) there are a multiplicity of them, different ones of which may be variously invoked in different (...)
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    Bildung durch Sinnlichkeit: "Vom Erkennen und Empfinden" bei Johann Gottfried Herder.Mario Graff - 2008 - Jena: IKS.
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    A Primitive Text ofPeriphyseon VRediscovered.Eric Graff - 2002 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 69 (2):271-295.
    Book V of Eriugena’s Periphyseon presents new critical problems because of the lack of the Rheims manuscript, which contains the author’s own revisions. The text which has been called Versio Prima in the first four books of Jeauneau’s new edition is lacking for the fnal volume. Working from a transcription of the second portion of the Clauis Physicae, the epitome of the Periphyseon by Honorius Augustodunensis, the author reports that the unpublished Clauis II contains a text of Periphyseon V that (...)
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  7. Verstehen, Konsens und Kenntnis der Lebenswelt im interkulturellen Diskurs.Siegfried Hoppe-Graff & Hye-On Kim - 2000 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 11:382-384.
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  8. Possibility relative to a sortal.Delia Graff Fara - 2012 - In Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics volume 7. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 1.
    This paper is an informal presentation of the ideas presented formally in ”Relative-Sameness Counterpart Theory”. Relative-sameness relations -- such as being the same person as -- are like David Lewis’s “counterpart” relations in the following respects: (i) they may hold over time or across worlds between objects that aren’t cross-time or cross-world identical (I propose), and (ii) there are a multiplicity of them, different ones of which may be variously invoked in different contexts. They differ from his counterpart relations, however, (...)
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    Políticas públicas y Estado en Brasil. Consecuencias económicas, sociales y ambientales en el desarrollo del municipio de Sorriso en Mato Grosso (Brasil).Lázaro Camilo Recompensa Joseph, Benedito Dias Pereira, Vanisa Raquel Scheuer Graff & Rosana Guimaraes - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    Este artículo busca describir y analizar de manera general los diferentes mecanismos y elementos de la política pública que facilitan el movimiento y/o la expansión de los agricultores de la soja, en el Estado de Mato Grosso y específicamente en la municipalidad de Sorriso, y las principales consecuencias económicas, sociales y ambientales. El trabajo está estructurado en cuatro partes. La primera caracteriza y describe los principales mecanismos con que la política pública favorece la expansión y/o ocupación de la soja en (...)
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    La fin du droit?: actes du colloque des 5 et 6 décembre 2013.Aude Zaradny, Nathalie Wolff, Thibaut Fleury Graff & Mouloud Boumghar (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    A l'heure de l'inflation normative, une réflexion sur la fin du droit peut paraître paradoxale, voire aller à contre-courant des mutations contemporaines du droit. En outre, les nombreux travaux relatifs à ces mêmes mutations et aux transformations du droit ces dernières années laissent penser que le droit ne peut connaître de fin, se renouvelant en permanence pour ne jamais laisser d'espace de non droit. Sans à coup, sans coupe nette, le droit poursuivrait sa progression sans heurt. Le droit n'aurait-il donc (...)
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    Naevian Studies. By Thelma B. De Graff. Pp. 106. New York: W. F. Humphrey, 1931.Ethel Mary Steuart - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (04):185-.
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  12. 782 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Veneeta Dayal Regine Eckardt Paul Elbourne.Martina Faller, Hana Filip, Nissim Francez, Angela Friederici, Marc Gawron, Bart Geurts, Anastasia Giannakidou, Jonathan Ginzburg, Paul Gochet & D. Graff - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26:781-782.
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  13. Perceptual indiscriminability: In defence of Wright's proof.Rafael de Clercq & Leon Horsten - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):439-444.
    A series of unnoticeably small changes in an observable property may add up to a noticeable change. Crispin Wright has used this fact to prove that perceptual indiscriminability is a non-transitive relation. Delia Graff has recently argued that there is a 'tension' between Wright's assumptions. But Graff has misunderstood one of these, that 'phenomenal continua' are possible; and the other, that our powers of discrimination are finite, is sound. If the first assumption is properly understood, it is not (...)
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    Alan Milon, L'étranger dans la ville. Du rap au graff mural.Caterina Rea - 2003 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 101 (2):353-355.
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    Paul de Man, Deconstruction, and Discipleship.John Allman - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):324-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:John Allman PAUL DE MAN, DECONSTRUCTION, AND DISCIPLESHIP God may be dead, but his vocabulary lives on, oddly enough, in the militandy secular pages of recent literary theory. Just when we thought it was safe to plunge the depths of postmodernism without the muddying mystifications of worship, religious language seems to have resurrected itself and is walking once again on the troubled waters of literary criticism. In an essay (...)
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    Wolfgang Wulz, Der spätstaufische Geschichtsschreiber Burchard von Ursberg: Persönlichkeit und historisch-politisches Weltbild. Stuttgart: Müller & Graff, 1982. Paper. Pp. 299; frontispiece. DM 35. [REVIEW]Henry A. Myers - 1984 - Speculum 59 (4):991-992.
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  17. Supervaluationism and good reasoning.Timothy Williamson - 2018 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 33 (3):521-537.
    This paper is a tribute to Delia Graff Fara. It extends her work on failures of meta-rules for validity as truth-preservation under a supervaluationist identification of truth with supertruth. She showed that such failures occur even in languages without special vagueness-related operators, for standards of deductive reasoning as materially rather than purely logically good, depending on a context-dependent background. This paper extends her argument to: quantifier meta-rules like existential elimination; ambiguity; deliberately vague standard mathematical notation. Supervaluationist attempts to qualify (...)
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    A Problem for Relative-Sameness Semantics.James Milford - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (1):39-53.
    In 2008, Graff Fara presented relative-sameness semantics, a semantics for a first-order modal and temporal language with the explicit aim of being able to render true certain contingent/temporary identity claims (relative to certain contexts). Graff Fara achieves this aim by abandoning a straightforward analysis of de re modal/temporal claims in terms of identity. Instead, such a claim is analyzed in terms of her relative-sameness relations (which need not be the identity relation), with the relevant relative-sameness relations in play (...)
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    Cirey dans la vie intellectuelle: la réception de Newton en France.François de Gandt (ed.) - 2001 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    Le s jour de Voltaire et Mme Du Ch telet Cirey, depuis le retraite forc e de Voltaire en mai 1734 jusqu' la mort dramatique et douloureuse de Mme Du Ch telet en septembre 1749, fut une p riode merveilleusement f conde, et l'empreinte en fut durable dans la vie intellectuelle de l'Europe. Les contributions rassembl es ici font un tableau de la vie quotidienne Cirey, suivent les deux philosophes dans leurs tudes et leurs voyages, et dessinent les traits de (...)
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    Answering for the past: Exploring the conditions of answerability over time.Nicole Ramsoomair - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (2):359-377.
    RÉSUMÉOn pense souvent qu'un changement significatif de notre caractère évaluatif pourrait saper notre responsabilité par rapport à nos méfaits passés. Dans cet article, j'explore cette intuition en analysant les concepts de responsabilité et de l'obligation de rendre des comptes, tels que présentés par Angela Smith. J'introduis une distinction entre « modification » et « remplacement » pour définir les limites de la responsabilité au fil du temps. Ces limites sont ensuite précisées en s'inspirant des travaux de Delia Graff sur (...)
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    Literacy, Power, Body—Towards Alternative Phenomenology of Writing.Marta Rakoczy - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (1):27-35.
    The classical phenomenology of writing, postulated by such literacy theoreticians as Walter J. Ong, and Marshall McLuhan, focuses on writing as an instrument of intellectual emancipation, as a technology of intellect. In this article I claim that their view is too narrow. Firstly, as David R. Olson, Harvey Graff and Michel de Certeau point, writing may be an instrument of power and discipline. Secondly, reading and writing are not only the mental practices of scripts organization and interpretation. They are (...)
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    Political Poetry and the Example of Ernesto Cardenal.Reginald Gibbons - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):648-671.
    In Latin America Cardenal is generally regarded as an enduring poet. He brought a recognizably Latin American material into his poetry, and he introduced to Spanish-language poetry in general such poetic techniques as textual collage, free verse lines shaped in Poundian fashion, and, especially, a diction that is concrete and detailed, textured with proper names and the names of things in preference to the accepted poetic language, which was more abstract, general, and vaguely symbolic. But what is notable in Spanish-language (...)
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  23. Historia de las ideas filosóficas en Santo Domingo durante el siglo XVIII.Pérez de la Cruz & Rosa Elena - 2000 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  24. La estructura lógica de la teoría del valor trabajo.Adolfo García de la Sienra - 2012 - Critica 44 (130):69-95.
    La finalidad de este artículo es proveer una reconstrucción lógica del elemento teórico básico de la teoría del valor trabajo desde la perspectiva de la metateoría estructuralista. Las metas son esbozar con alguna precisión la ley fundamental de la teoría �la ley del valor� así como la aserción empírica.
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    Algumas considerações sobre as definições da ética I de Spinoza relativamente aos elementos de euclides.Jorge Gonçalves de Abrantes - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:307-344.
    We will examine and discuss the nature and content of thedefinitions of the first part of Spinoza’s Ethics in relation to Euclid’s Elements.Our main purpose is to point out that the Spinozistic definitionsare distinct and discrepant from Euclidean definitions in some significantaspects. From this, we will point out and consider the differences andsimilarities that exist between the Euclidean geometric method and theSpinozistic geometric method, in order to problematize the theme of thepresence of the geometric method in Spinoza’s Ethics.
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    La recurrencia de la metáfora: Un Marco filosófico-lingüístico.Juan Antonio González de Requena Farré - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:289-301.
    En este artículo se analiza una recreación quijotesca en la novela de Graham Greene Monseñor Quijote. Para ello se utilizan dos términos procedentes del Derecho romano: los conceptos de autoridad y poder. En esta obra de Greene, la autoridad surge de los libros o de autores de libros, cuya lectura permite que la vida siga teniendo sentido. En Greene encontramos la estrategia de lectura conocida como las sortes virgilianae que permite a los personajes orientarse en las dificultades diarias. Sin embargo, (...)
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    Fernando de Azevedo: um sujeito do afeto.Raquel Discini de Campos & Norma Discini - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67).
    O presente artigo analisa a crônica A graça do amor e da fé, publicada pelo intelectual Fernando de Azevedo no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, no ano de 1955. A crônica diz respeito à vida e à morte de Sara Lemos Almeida de Azevedo. A partir da análise crítica desse escrito, e à luz da Retórica, de Aristóteles, discutimos o ethos de um filho amoroso e grato, bem como o ethos do intelectual da educação, que problematiza práticas relacionadas ao (...)
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    Zien, doen, denken: Jacques Rancière en de kunstpraktijk.Marc de Blieck - 2012 - Gent: MER. Paper Kunsthalle. Edited by Volkmar Mühleis.
    This publication contains reflections on Jacques Ranciáere's essay 'The Ignorant Master' by the artist Marc De Blieck and the art philosopher Volkmar Mèuhleis. The artist's practice is assuming an expanding variety of forms, the artist can leap from one method to another, and the media available to him, old and new, appear inexhaustible. Can and should art education prepare the artist for this? One possibility is to bring a never-ending abundance of experts into the art schools. Ranciáere offers us a (...)
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    Auch eine Philosphie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menscheit.Johann Gottfried Herder & Hans Georg Gadamer - 1967 - (Frankfurt a. M.): Suhrkamp.
    Johann Gottfried Herder: Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2013 Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz mit einer Biographie des Autors bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Erstdruck: Erstdruck: o.O. 1774 (anonym). Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Sturm und Drang. Weltanschauliche und ästhetische Schriften. Herausgegeben von Peter Müller, Band 1-2, Berlin und Weimar: Aufbau, 1978. Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Umschlaggestaltung unter Verwendung des Bildes: Johann Gottfried Herder (Gemälde von Anton Graff, 1785).
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  30. (1 other version)Resumen de filosofía del derecho.Francisco Giner de los Ríos - 1898 - Madrid,: V. Suárez. Edited by Alfredo Calderón Y. Arana.
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    A filosofia no limite da negação da Vontade de vida.Juliana Domingues de Campos - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    No penúltimo parágrafo de O mundo como vontade e como representação, Schopenhauer, contra a tendência do livro até então, dá um caráter especial à razão na negação da Vontade de vida. O conhecimento abstrato é, nesse contexto, como clarividência da razão, o fundamento para se atingir o conhecimento puramente intuitivo. A partir da análise de algumas formas de conhecimento (conceito, sentimento e Ideia) apresentadas no tomo I da obra, tem-se uma diferenciação clara entre os âmbitos da explicação e da significação (...)
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    lnfluence de l'Europe des Six sur la structure et le regroupement des partis.D. Cardon de Lichtbuer - 1968 - Res Publica 10 (special):17-27.
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  33. Claves y contenidos de la evangelización sobre" Dios y su salvación".Eloy Bueno de la Fuente - 1985 - Revista Agustiniana 26 (79):195-211.
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    Le quinzième Congrès international de psychologie.G. de M. - 1957 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 55 (48):518-521.
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    Lecons de philosophie..Désiré Roustan - 1930 - Paris,: C. Delagrave.
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  36. The Samba Schools of Rio De Janeiro or the Domestication of an Urban Mass.Maria Isaura Péreira de Queiroz - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (129):1-32.
    Rio de Janeiro, the opening of the carnival. On the Friday evening preceding Mardi Gras, the mayor of Rio hands over the keys to the city to King Momo, sovereign of the carnival. Immediately the samba breaks out in the brightly lit streets of the city. Newspapers, magazines and television feature big headlines describing the event and glorifying the holiday kingdom. They all report that the city is being shaken by winds of madness, that licence and inversions of every variety (...)
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    La coûteuse inutilité du principe de précaution.Jean de Kervasdoué - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):349-363.
    À la lumière de l’épidémie du Sars-coV-19, l’article montre que, là encore, le principe de précaution n’a été d’aucune utilité pour prévenir l’épidémie et limiter ses effets. La raison est simple : s’il est déjà difficile de prévoir un évènement incertain, quand il survient, il est toujours impossible de prendre des mesures proportionnées pour parer à la réalisation des dommages éventuels causés par cet évènement. Proportionnées à quoi quand on ignore l’essentiel? Non seulement ce principe est inutile, mais il est (...)
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    Dominique Schnapper, Les Désillusions de la démocratie, Paris, Gallimard, 2024.Isabelle de Mecquenem - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):196-198.
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    Sous le signe du néant : note sur la métaphysique de Michel Onfray.Henri de Monvallier - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 293 (3):91-108.
    La philosophie hédoniste de Michel Onfray est en son fond une philosophie tragique dont l’horizon métaphysique ultime est le néant. Ce thème et ses multiples résonances dans l’œuvre d’Onfray sera étudié ici à trois niveaux : le néant individuel de la mort, le néant des civilisations disparues et enfin l’horizon cosmique du néant. Un jour tout disparaîtra, y compris la pensée humaine que tout disparaîtra. De même que notre vie est une parenthèse entre deux néants, de même notre civilisation et (...)
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    Theorie Van de Religie (Georges Bataille) & Theorie Van de Religie. Toelichting En Commentaar Bij Een a-Theologie (Marc Bekaert).Lieven De Maeyer - 2022 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (2).
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    O Sentido de Prudência na Ética de Espinosa.Adriana Chimenez Aviles de Lima - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (1):178-188.
    Resumo Palavras-chave: Espinosa. Prudência. Regra prática. Sabedoria teórica. Vulgo. Este artigo propõe-se a analisar o sentido de prudência na Ética de Espinosa. Será examinado o modo como o filósofo apresenta sua noção de prudência ao comunicar suas ideias tanto ao não filósofo como a um leitor mais apto à compreensão da “verdadeira filosofia”. Espinosa escreve, no Tratado Teológico Político, que, para que seja entendido e ensinar qualquer doutrina ao gênero humano, terá de adaptar seus argumentos à compreensão de todos. Assim, (...)
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    Paradigma para a defesa da descrença: Crítica de Friedrich Nietzsche à religião cristã.Me José Moacir de Aquino, Rogério Santos Dos Prazeres & Leandro Elias Marques Vieira - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (9):p - 55.
    O texto apresenta o pensamento de Friedrich Nietzsche sobre os fundamentos da religião cristã. Trata-se de uma abordagem em que se traz à tona criticas, entendidas como posicionamento filosófico do autor de O Anticristo. Considerando-se que a fé e a verdade são temáticas que estão indissociáveis na Crítica de Nietzsche à religião cristã, buscou-se denotar a importância destes assuntos atrelados à convicção religiosa no cristianismo. Isso porque, em conformidade com a perspectiva de Nietzsche, é um posicionamento que desafiou a cosmovisão (...)
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  43. Historia de la filosofía colonial.Maspero de Cambria Florit & Susana Alicia - 1999 - Rio Cuarto: Centro Riocuartense de Estudios e Investigaciones Históricas. Edited by Cambria Florit & José Antonio.
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    (2 other versions)Coups de sonde dans la philosophie anglaise contemporaine.Yves Nolet de Brauwere - 1955 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 53 (39):402-419.
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    Ética y discriminación interseccional en la atención de la salud de migrantas regionales.María Graciela de Ortúzar - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 51:035-035.
    The objective of the work is to analyze the intersectional discriminations that operate in the multiple identities of regional migrant women in the field of health in Argentina during the present pandemic. We will begin with the critical study of key categories and the origin of the inequalities of law of the aforementioned discrimination in migration policies. Second, we will address de facto inequalities, particularly examining the socio-economic inequalities suffered by migrants during the pandemic. Thirdly, in order to enable alternative (...)
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    Avant les amitiés. Saint Augustin et la possibilité de l’amitié.Anne de Saxcé - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 137 (2):123-140.
    Comment penser l’amitié sans recourir à une affirmation politique ou théologique? Nous montrons d’abord la reprise chrétienne et la transformation de l’amitié, telle que la concevait l’Antiquité, à partir de la réinterprétation augustinienne des textes de Cicéron. Puis nous proposons de réfléchir à cette nouvelle conception de l’amitié, en nous appuyant sur les textes de Jacques Derrida, qui cherche à établir la possibilité d’une amitié d’« avant les amitiés », fondée sur aucune fraternité. Pour Derrida, une telle amitié est rendue (...)
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  47. Análise da carta-renúncia de jânio quadros.Telma Luciene Vidali de Faria - forthcoming - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
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    (1 other version)La mathesis universalis de Descartes.Frederick P. Van de Pitte - 1998 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 51:7-26.
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    Dispositivos de disciplinamento e controle na formação de professores / Disciplinary and control devices in teacher training.Robson Carlos Loureiro & Luciana de Lima - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020008.
    A formação docente pode ser analisada sob várias perspectivas. Neste artigo procura-se enfocar a formação docente como um instrumento político de manipulação e de controle das racionalidades e subjetividades dos sujeitos em formação. Procura-se entender essa dominação sobre seus alunos. Trata-se de um exercício estratégico de biopoder exercido por uma governamentalidade dominante. Este papel das formações parece ser um dos principais elementos motivadores das licenciaturas e das formações continuadas de docentes no Brasil. A mobilização das racionalidades e subjetividades esperada pela (...)
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    Anticipations de la Pensée Augustinienne dans l’Oeuvre de Platon.Georges de Plinval - 1961 - Augustinianum 1 (2):310-326.
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